The term ‘finding the right person for the job’ is somewhat misleading – it’s equally important to ‘find the right job for the person’
Code Resources adds value by genuinely matching people to roles – because a better fit benefits both the employer and the candidate.
We won’t mess you around
We appreciate that you’re a professional; that you don’t have time to waste – and that your career is important to you. We only put forward people who are a genuinely strong match for a role and, though you may be in competition with others, you have as much of a shot at the role as they do.
We’ll take the time to find out what’s important to you
A career change is a two-way process, not only does the candidate need to have the right skills and fit in with the company’s culture, the company should ideally offer the kind of career and benefits which the candidate is seeking. It’s an important part of our role to find out exactly what you're looking for: not just pay, but also the kinds of challenges you’re seeking, where you want to work, your ideal employer and so on. We see recruitment as a win/win – both sides have to gain from the deal.
We’ll prepare you to land the role
Yes, interviews can be tough – after all, there can be a lot riding on one. So, we help by preparing candidates thoroughly – bringing you up to speed on interviewing techniques and questioning styles. Our goal is to help you relax, be yourself, respond in the best ways possible and – if you can – even enjoy the interview.
Confidential service and complete service
It goes without saying that we work confidentially, keeping you secure in your current role while you’re seeking the next stage in your career. We’re also here for you during contract negotiations – helping both you and your future employer to strike the most mutually beneficial agreement.
We’re in it for the long term
The job market is competitive, so you simply can’t land every role. We’re with candidates for their career journey – if one role falls through, then we’ll remain committed to finding another. This relationship of trust enables us to work with candidates over many years.